Money & Property Matters – and Barry’s Babblings
Just a word to thank you all for the prayers and concern that you have shown to Joan (and to me and my family) over the past weeks. It has been a very worrying time and hopefully Joan is well on the road to recovery. We are very grateful to you all.
I feel that we all enjoyed our lovely Harvest Festival celebration. The church looked beautiful, the 'bring and share' lunch was tasty and the auction great fun (with £60 being raised for 'All we Can' Methodist charity). The table was stacked with gifts for the local Foodbank, which we have delivered there.
Wendy and I enjoyed planning and leading the worship, and we all had a good sing and celebration. Have you managed to find any more words that use the letters 'HARVEST'? Thanks to all who joined with us in our act of worship.
October will see the installation of new Audio Visual equipment in the church and around the halls. We are grateful for donations that have assisted with the cost, and the balance will come from legacies that we hold (and that were generously given).
Tuesday 22nd October sees the meeting of the Church Council. There have been two brief interim meetings to allow the process for the appointment of a new Lay Worker, and also for the AV equipment to be installed.
This brings me to an important point - we STILL do not have a secretary for the Church Council. It is not an onerous task and the main activity is to produce the Minutes of the meeting (usually twice a year). Occasionally a few letters have to be sent. Please do offer to help out and I am sure that the Minister would be delighted to hear from you. We cannot function without this appointment!
Sunday October 27th is a special day - British Summer Time ends, One World Week ends and it is also Bible Sunday. The latter I feel is very important and those of you that read Spotlight - the Circuit magazine- will see that I have devised a quiz around the Bible. The Bible is central to all our worship, and each Sunday is displayed on the communion table. I would suggest that John 3 verse 16 is the most famous and well loved verse in the Bible. Enjoy a good read!
Quite enough from me and a word from a very, very old chorus:
The best book to read is the Bible,
The best book to read is the Bible.
If you read it every day, it will help you on your way
O! the best book to read is the Bible!
Every blessing
Barry Turnwell, Church Treasurer and a Property Steward